Sunday, July 3, 2011

Of Arms and the Manatees I Sing

'Navel gazing' seems to be a term that gets thrown around a lot in the blog world but, for lack of a better phrase, or because it just seems to suit, that's how this day started out.  One of those real downward death spirals of over-self-analysis.

And then I got a few of those confirmation messages that tells me someone out there is listening:

A song on the radio:
I’m not gonna lay around and whine and moan
’cause somebody done, done me wrong
Don’t think for a minute that I’m gonna sit around
And sing some old sad song
I believe it’s half full, not a half empty glass
Every day I wake up knowing it could be my last

 A sign on a church billboard:  Battle Within

A road sign:  Follow Your Dreams Blvd. (I'm not even kidding)

And then we went to a Manatee wildlife park and there's no way you can be moody watching those cute-as-a-button giant coffee beans with eyes floating around.
That one at the top looks like a mushroom from here.

They look and move like really sweet lumps of concrete.

And then we added a little sand from the Gulf coast to the sand from the Atlantic coast and the growing pile of Sun Chip crumbs, pizza crust bits, Cadbury chocolate corners, and crushed Cheez-its in the back of the car.  The water was warmer and more lake-like than I had imagined but gave us our beach-y fix for the weekend anyway.

Some little fish were nibbling my toes, but you can't really see them here, 
possibly because the whiteness of my leg is piercing your retinas.


  1. yay! so many new postiiiings!!

    Ah yes, the mighty ennui can creep up at any time. (i think we are all living the life that someone else wants...)I'm glad the manatees helped. Wait, are you guys living in some sort of magical, tropical paradise....? ;)

  2. yes, i just realized that people coming here looking for info about life in finland are going to be totally confused. 'huh, i didn't know manatees were a subarctic species...'
